Dr. Gill

Gillian Palette, DNP, MS, ANP-BC, is a doctorally prepared board certified adult nurse practitioner specializing in advanced injectables and cosmetic and is the co-founder and director of medical and nursing services of The Skyn Boutique in NYC.

Palette’s interest in skincare began at a young age, after watching her mother experience premature aging, then personally suffering from both teen and adult acne. This forced her to test skin care products and treatments at a very young age, something she continues to do to this day. After working as a professional registered nurse in oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and as a surgical nurse practitioner at NYU’s Clinical Cancer Institute, Palette chose to pursue her lifelong passion; focusing on and providing advanced care in cosmetic dermatology and esthetics.

Known to her patients as “Dr. Gill,” Palette combines her extensive scientific, advanced nursing, and medical knowledge with a warm and personal approach towards each and every patient, ensuring the highest standard of customized care. Along with injectables (Botox, Dysport, and a large array of dermal fillers), customized prescription strength chemical peels, medical-grade facials, and laser treatments, she holds the distinction of being one of the first clinicians in New York City practicing the non-surgical PDO face lift (aka PDO thread lift or PDO threading), a new aesthetic treatment recently available in the U.S. Palette’s personal philosophy is to promote the health and wellness of the skyn while enhancing her patients’ appearance, not altering it.

Palette received her Bachelor’s degree from the University of Delaware, her Masters degree from Hunter College of the City University of New York, graduating with honors, and her Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) (doctoral degree) from New York University. She is a member of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, Sigma Theta Tau (The Honor Society of Nursing), American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine, and American Society For Laser Medicine & Surgery, Inc.® She has studied advanced injectable techniques from The College of Cosmetic Medicine, The Esthetic Skin Institute, The National Laser Institute, as well as with Allergan and Galderma. Dr. Palette was one of the few health care professionals in 2015 chosen to tour the South West of France with the Pierre Fabre Group where she studied adjunct treatments of atopic skyn conditions at Laboratories Dermatologiques at the Hydrotherapy Center in Avene, France. Most recently, Palette was one of the first in the United States to study the role of Polidixanone (PDO) sutures in Aesthetic Medicine and trained under Enrico Guarino, MD (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon Rome, Italy) and Antonella Quaranta, MD (General and Esthetic Surgeon Florence, Italy) at the Esthetic Skin Institute. With over 18 years of experience in health care, including 9 years of cosmetic dermatology/esthetics in her own private practice in Manhattan and Long Island, she continues to regularly advance her knowledge of the newest skyn care techniques and treatments available.


COO/CFO & Co-Founder

After graduating from The University of Delaware with a Bachelors of Science, Jodi Zeitzer began her career in the fashion industry. Following many years of hard work and commitment she found herself in the corporate sector as a high ranking business executive. Ms. Zeitzer has been responsible for managing multi-million dollar accounts, as well as having been instrumental in business development and organizational management. With her extensive business and sales background, she has been sought after by numerous well known companies but has chosen to mesh her love of skyn care and business; co-founding The Skyn Boutique.

Ms. Zeitzer plays an integral role as the COO/CFO and Vice President by managing daily operations at The Skyn Boutique. Her personalized approach in communicating and interacting with patients ensures that they book the best and most appropriate treatments to meet their individualized skyn care needs. Also known for treating patients like “friends and family” her love for this business is evident as she explains the pre and post care to ensure all the patients are informed and educated prior to their arrival at The Skyn Boutique. Known for her irrefutable work ethic Ms. Zeitzer not only makes sure to greet each and every patient but is known for answering emails and calls during “off hours” and on her “days off.” She is always very accessible and accommodating to make sure every patient has a positive experience at The Skyn Boutique.